Hi, I’m Mimi! I am originally from Taiwan, a mountainous island in the Pacific blessed with magnificent wild vegetation and a rich culinary landscape. Having grown up there, it's probably no wonder that I love to draw food, animals, and nature so much.
After studying and working in various places around the world, I’ve finally settled down in Italy with my husband and dog (they're not the same person, although sometimes it feels like they could).
In my free time, I love to cook and try new recipes, a passion that can be easily satisfied in Italy. Every week I learn to cook a new dish, try a vegetable I haven’t eaten before, or find out a new fun food fact. With the diversity of the local traditions and culinary cultures here, there is just so much to explore.
As for my work, I do mostly watercolor, sometimes combined with color pencils, wax pastels, and dip pen. I am intrigued by how illustrations change when realized on different surfaces, so I like to experiment with materials as well as to make illustrated objects.